Back Market - your refurbished electronics (Super) Market

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The latest in refurbished tech

Let them buy new. We’ll buy Back Market.

We get the same quality, and the same excitement, for less. Watch to see why.

What else?

3 questions people always ask

How do I know my device won’t conk out in a month?

From a pre-list screening process for all sellers to “mystery orders” placed by Back Market technical staff (under secret code names 🤫), we give 110% in making sure the tech we offer you is what we promise. Plus, every device comes with 30 days to change your mind and a 1-year warranty.

What’s the difference between renewed and new?

On the outside, a renewed smartphone looks (and works) like new. But it’s what's on the inside that really counts. Renewed tech — smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers — have way less environmental impact than brand new.

Was the T-800 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) technically “refurbished”?

Most likely. We’d need to hand Skynet over to our Innovation Lab before we say yes or no, but we have a hunch that it’s an “I’ll be back” scenario.